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i cant do this haha ,idk first try i got so far and only two were left but i couldnt do anything about one of them so the next day she left.i tried a new playthrough and the like soldier girl left bcs she was scared i guess and when i tried it again she just left even sooner ..idk what to do and i dont wanna spend hours figuring it out tbh .can someone like give me a guide please .or atleast little hints so i can figure it out still..i just have no idea what to do ..haha

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Confused on how to get lily suspicious with one person in the temple

Still no actual guide. Spent hours trying to figure this out and I've not a single clue on how to do the secret ending. The other comment claiming to have gotten the secret doesn't give enough details on how they did it.

It seems impossible without any hints because the order to do it all is lost on me. The only time I've had Lily suspicious on me also had another house member suspicious on me and I subsequently lost.

The game is well put together and while there is some replay-ability with the different dialogues and such, the strict saving, absurd secret ending, and overall time consuming nature of each playthrough makes it more a one and done type deal.

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ok I will say this to help as I also have not done the secret ending but when i was testing and trying for many hours i came up with a strategy as i accidently lost on like day 2-3 dont remember which and not with lily i am not sure how the events are after but it is possible to lose by lily on day 3 if i am correct and if you use the right items after that just go ham and try to get everyone as fast as possible also make sure to on the first day get rid of the red haired one aka use the meal

 the blue haired one requires a necklace give the armor lotion (cant remember the name of the oil but it is type of oil) and if i am correct that was as far as i got on that i do have the feeling you also have to use a herb on the first day in someone's room hope this helps you

 (also the strategy to lose to lily on on the third or second day is when you see lily in the dining room eat all the bread as each time you eat it for some reason it raises suspicion)

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Well, the issue with all of this is that dialogue options (and not talking with them ) influences Fear and Suspicion. Apparently staying up late also influences Suspicion.

I will ask if you do somehow get Lily to leave due to fear, take note of which dialogue options you took with her, what you did in front of her, and how often you stayed up. With that, I should be able to theoretically figure out the rest.

I tried my usual stuff with the cast and eating all the bread, I still lose Lily at the end due to fear, no matter what I do.

*Be sure to always talk to each character at least once.


Morn: Rite. Oil. Bitter
Day: Enter ALICE's room.
Night: Berries on ALICE.

Morn: Keys. Lotion. Wine.
Day: Incense.
Night: Eat all the Bread.

Morn: Place Rite.
Day: Nothing.
Night: Oil JUDIE. Watch SARAH read the scrolls.

Morn: Necklace. Plant Necklace.
Day: Nothing
Night: Lotion MINERVA. (Incense LILY for regular win.)

Morn: Lotion KATHERINE.
Day: Nothing.
Night: Nothing.


Regular Win if LILY was incense'd, otherwise Fear Loss.

ah i c what is happening i think i also try to talk to lily every day but i try to make it in how i see her as a friend and i am willing to take note of the options again once i get into trying to do the secret ending and once i do ill make a list  also expect me to try in a bout 1 month

(2 edits)

So I decided to dig into the game to uncover the secret ending and here’s what I discovered (I won’t spill the beans completely until 2 weeks):

1) Lily is last, and you must have a Jar on hand

2) You must fail a certain way to continue with one other requirement

3) Certain actions related to the end goal raises suspicion of everyone in the room, fewer raise fear as well

4) Some events raise either suspicion, fear or both globally

Edit: Been longer than 2 weeks but here it is: To get the true ending, you must get the suspicion fail route for Lily with only a single person in the Temple.

If done correctly, instead of receiving a game over for Lily leaving, you’ll instead be able to visit Lily in her room (from the first night) and chat with her. If given the choice during this conversation, admit the truth to her and she will render you aid. She does this by globally reducing suspicion of everyone.

Once you done this, queue up everyone but Lily and 1 other person for the temple, preferably all at once. If done correctly, there should be 2 people remaining on the 5th day: Lily and someone to give a jar to.

To quickly trigger Lily suspicion, perform actions in Lily’s presence that don’t cause her to go to the temple. An example is picking up the item in the Piano room.

If all done correctly, 6th day should start with unique dialogue with Lily resulting in you using a jar on her.

I've done everything I can to get the fail at the beginning to get Lily's help. But I can't seem to figure it out. I feel like that's what's keeping me from beating the game and getting the true ending. 

The requirements are you need exactly 1 person in the temple when you get Lily’s suspicion failure.

Some items require has a full day before the person goes to the temple, take advantage of that.

Perform actions like pick up fertility items only when Lily is present in the room. For example: The item in the piano room, or placing the necklace down in the bedroom.

I understand what I'm supposed to do. But even when I think I've done everything I can think of to trigger this Lily fail ending I still can't. And it just continues until I reach the end when I fail. So if you could provide some more hints on what I can do to make her suspicious on the first 2 days it would be much appreciated.

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It takes longer than 2 days, I think Day 4 is when I got it.

Lily is in different areas of the house each day per time period. Knowing where she is helps with choosing what action to perform.

For example, when Lily is in the shared bedroom with her stuffed bear, placing the necklace down with increase her suspicion.

hey im stuck on day 4 cant seem to get passed it any advice or help?

Does anyone know what to do when you have two girls left? I have no idea what to do after I give one belly lotion, and I have to give the other one to the other person

Hey! Noticing a lot of the same "hnng I've tried everything and still didn't get the best ending" (which includes myself) and figured I'd echo the idea of a walkthrough or clue system based off of how far you got, like how when someone gets too suspicious, it tells you "Hey, be a bit more discrete" but with more direction, like things that MAKE the others suspicious. All in all, I enjoyed being able to make it to day 4 via giving the Guard the fruit on the first day, and rather enjoyed the parts that I got to play, especially the fact that almost EVERYTHING is interactable, and the MC has thoughts on them. Not always original thoughts, but almost always something, really does well to bring things a bit more to life :)


I can't figure out the right sequence. I only know a few things that work (and one target that's guaranteed, so I don't need to slip her a Mickey at dinner). A walkthrough or hint book would be much appreciated.


How Do I use the sanctified oil?

found a bug. can't give fortified bottle to minerva


Is it intentional that you can't save?

It allows you to save after each day that you get through without failure

I'm on Day 4, Lisa and Judie are the last two, and I once again can offer either of them lotion, but once I do, I am unable to offer it to the other one. The thing is... I have THREE jars of lotion! I should have one left over, by god, so what on earth am I doing wrong?

OK, well this time I was able to get around it by giving the lotion to Lisa and hitting Judie with The Good Stuff. Still. Unsatisfying.

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And I didn't get the True Ending, and there have been absolutely no clues. I suspect I'd to do some sort of arbitrary, specific sequence with no guidance.

It's pretty common practice for the Normal Ending to have at least a hint toward the True Ending instead of just being like "Hey, you uh... didn't do it. Go try again!"

Never did figure out what to do with the bitter herb and the sweet rolls, but, again, no clues. Tried eating them all, tried not eating them all, tried eating one per day, etc. Nothing changes.

Overall neat game, wish there were some full-body CGs though.

How did  you beat it? I get stuck on Kathrine

Wait how did you manage to get four people pregnant by day 4? I'm only able to get three by then.

I think it needs to be a bit more clear if your current situation is irrecoverable. I'm on Day 4 with 3 pregnancies and it seems like no matter what I do, Lily leaves, leading me to believe that I messed something up before Day 4, but I'm not even sure of that and it is pretty much impossible to determine whether I'm just missing something on Day 4.

I did start again, and I made it to 2 people left, Lisa and Katherine. I have two jars of lotion, and it allows me to give a jar to either of them, but once I do it won't let me give the other jar to the other one! This seems like a bug.

I'm having the same issue here with Lily and Katherine